Adding your own start up scripts

We provide a few default scripts to get you going, but sometimes you want to just add your own. We've made it easy to do that with our entrypoint.d directory.

Entrypoint Script Requirements

We recommend writing your script in /bin/sh for the best compatibility between Alpine and Debian. If you choose to use /bin/bash, your script will only be able to run on Debian-based images.

Choose your execution order

Since we provide default entrypoint scripts, you may want to choose the order in which your scripts are executed. We've made it easy to do that by prefixing your script with a number. The lower the number, the earlier it will be executed.

Example: Create a custom entrypoint script

In this example, let's create a so it executes after all the other default scripts.

First, let's take a look at our project structure:

Project Structure

├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── entrypoint.d
│   └──
└── public
    └── index.php

Let's take a look at the script that we want to run. We can keep this simple for now.

echo "👋 Hello, world!"

Now, let's take a look at our Dockerfile:


FROM serversideup/php:8.3-unit

COPY --chmod=755 ./entrypoint.d/ /etc/entrypoint.d/

In the above file, we're copying our entrypoint.d directory to /etc/entrypoint.d/ in the container. We're also setting the permissions to 755 so our scripts are executable.

Finally, let's take a look at our docker-compose.yml file:


version: '3'
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - 80:80
      - .:/var/www/html

In the above file, we're building our image using the Dockerfile in the current directory. We're also mounting our current directory to /var/www/html in the container.

Running our example

When we run docker compose up, we should see the following output:

Output of "docker compose up"

example-project  | init-unit: Stopping Unit daemon after initial configuration...
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:37 [notice] 29#29 process 33 exited with code 0
example-project  | init-unit: Waiting for control socket to be removed...
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:37 [notice] 29#29 process 34 exited with code 0
example-project  | 
example-project  | init-unit: Unit initial configuration complete; ready for start up...
example-project  | 
example-project  | 👋 Hello, world!
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [info] 1#1 unit 1.31.1 started
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [info] 65#65 discovery started
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [notice] 65#65 module: php 8.3.0 "/usr/lib/unit/modules/"
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [info] 1#1 controller started
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [notice] 1#1 process 65 exited with code 0
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [info] 67#67 router started
example-project  | 2023/12/05 19:52:38 [info] 67#67 OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023, 300000b0

You can see our 👋 Hello, world! is executing after the initialization of

Additional Steps For FPM-Apache & FPM-NGINX (S6 Overlay based images)

If the image you're working with is using S6 Overlay (fpm-nginx and fpm-apache), you'll need to take additional steps to get your scripts to execute.


S6 Overlay uses a set of directories to execute scripts at different stages of the container's life cycle. You can read more about it in S6 Overlay's documentation.

Our Solution

Instead of reading through the complexities of S6 Overlay, we wrote a script called docker-php-serversideup-s6-init that will automatically configure your script located in /etc/entrypoint.d to execute correctly with S6 Overlay.

docker-php-serversideup-s6-init Usage

The only thing you need to do is call docker-php-serversideup-s6-init after your script is copied. Here's an example:


FROM serversideup/php:8.3-fpm-nginx


COPY --chmod=755 ./entrypoint.d/ /etc/entrypoint.d/

RUN docker-php-serversideup-s6-init

The above Dockerfile will copy scripts from our entrypoint.d directory to /etc/entrypoint.d/ and then run docker-php-serversideup-s6-init, which will then take any scripts in /etc/entrypoint.d/ and configure them to execute correctly with S6 Overlay.